When negotiations started in 2022, the main themes of concern from performers were:
1. Cost of living
2. Safety – cultural and wellbeing; and
3. Safety – physical safety and fatigue
Through the negotiations performers were clear about their struggles and frustrations and how that should be resolved in the PCA. When negotiations reached an impasse in 2023 performers joined together to collectively amplify their concerns to their employers and LPA producers. Members, audiences and supporters joined together to email LPA that the issues of members were important not only performers but the community.

Following extensive consultation with performers in cast meetings, town halls and phone calls, MEAA put a final offer to LPA in June which reflected members’ ongoing commitment to ensure better fatigue and injury prevention through the limitation of 9-show weeks.

LPA members have now agreed to MEAA’s proposal regarding 9-show weeks (see below).


Through the negotiations performers sought either a real wage increase that would see performers receive a dollar increase to their weekly rate, regardless of their margin, OR a weekly percentage increase that was so substantial that performers would ultimately experience a rate increase.

On 1 January 2023 performers received a good-faith increase of 4.6% to their base wages.

This PCA will deliver the following pay increases to the base rate of pay:
- 10% on 1 August 2024; and
- 3% on 1 July 2025

This amounts to a total pay increase of 17.6% (or around $160/week) to the base PCA rate (excluding Sundays).


LPA producers have agreed to MEAA member’s requests for limitations 9-show weeks. These currently do not exist within the PCA:

1. Use of 9-show weeks will be limited to six 9-show weeks within a 12 month period;

2. Rehearsals occurring in a 9-show week must be unscheduled and to facilitate a cast, tech and/or crew change, or for a work health safety purpose;

3. Ensemble members, swings or covers may perform a maximum of 17 performances in a fortnight, unless the ensemble member, swing or cover agrees to perform 18 performances in a fortnight. If the employee agrees to the additional performance, they will receive the usual 9th-show penalty payment;

4. The employer will give employees and MEAA at least 3 weeks’ notice of any 9-show weeks. In circumstances where a 9-show week is scheduled and 3 weeks’ notice cannot be given, the employer will give employees and MEAA notice as soon as the show is scheduled.


Cultural Leave
Provision of 10 days paid leave for First Nations and Torres Strait Islander employees for cultural and ceremonial purposes.
The PCA will include references to the intimacy, self-tape guidelines and the general audition guidelines.
Exit From Run-of-Show
Performers will have a contractual right to request early release from a run-of-show contract in the following circumstances:
• To take on permanent responsibilities as primary caregiver of a child;
• To care for an immediate family member suffering from a long-term illness;
• When experiencing illness or injury that makes the performer personally unfit to perform their duties; and
• Where the overarching engagement period (regardless of the number of contracts) has reached 14 months.
Cultural Consultants
This position will be defined in the PCA.
Mental Health and Well-being
At least one staff member on a PCA production will have completed mental health first aid each year and will be identified to cast.
Digital Rights
Digital rights will be negotiated with LPA separately, and not included within the PCA.
The PCA will have a consultation process set out for cast to use when consultation is required, such as for discussions about shoes, costumes etc.
Maximum hours of work now limited to 120 over a fortnight.
Social Media
The PCA will include terms regarding social media “takeovers” and will ensure that separate negotiations take place when performers are asked to use their own personal social media page/s to promote a production.
Producers have agreed to clauses that provide better clarity to performers when working in a swing or cover role, including rights to rehearsals and preparation support.
The new role of “featured ensemble” has also been agreed to, where performers will receive an additional allowance where an ensemble role involved increased dance, acrobatic, spoken and singing responsibilities. The task of lifting props or other performers will not be included within this new role.